- CQRS stands for command query responsibility segregation.
- The service to view data is separate and it doesn’t handles create, update and delete operations. This service has its own database.
- For example we have a service to publish and subscribe requests events then we have a service for creating and updating and deleting request. For generating a report of these requests we will have a separate report service of this request.
- When we segregate create, update and delete from view CQRS comes into picture.
- Command stands for Create, update, delete database and query stands for viewing database only.
- Data in report service is handled by events for example we may have a event to publish and subscribe requests from pubsub service and we may have a create/update event from request service.
- Data in Report service can also be handled by database triggers and procedures.
- We can replicate data in our report service using DB triggers and procedures or by events.
- This has some limitations as follows
- There may be replication delay in the system.
- There may be extra complexity.
- There is code duplication.
- Benefits of this are as follows
- Responsibility segregation which is the core principle of micro services distributed systems.
- Simpler command and Query models
- Flexibility to choose database and view.
- Easy to scale.
- In CQRS we have a command API and Query API.
- In command API we have
- Command
- Command Handler
- Events Handler
- We use a Write DB and Event Store
- A basic flow of Command API can be
- API interacts with Controller
- Controller sends commands to Command Gateway
- Command Gateway handles the command using a Command Handler/Aggregate and creates an event.
- The event is published in the Event Store.
- Then an Events handler listens to the events in the Event Store.
- The Events is processed using a Repository by Events Handler and DB is updated to the next stable state.
- In Query API we have
- Query
- Query Handler
- Events Handler
- We use a Read DB
- A basic flow of Query API can be
- API interacts with Controller
- Controller sends commands to Query Gateway
- Query Gateway handles the command using a Query Handler/Projection and creates an event.
- We will have an event handler to handler events or we can directly send data from Projections as well.
- We use events to communicate or transfer data between Command API and Query API
- Events are stored in Events Store
Pls find Sample Application at
springmvc/Cqrs_example at master · gauravmatta/springmvc (github.com)
springmvc/Cqrs_example at master · gauravmatta/springmvc (github.com)
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